About IFSI
Our Mission and Vision
OUR MISSION is to center the voice of immigrants and expedite their successful integration into the social and economic fabric of the United States with justice and dignity.
OUR VISION is inspired by a humanist vision of global solidarity and peace. We aim to address the needs and aspirations of recently arrived immigrants by being a leading institute for direct service programming, thought leadership, coalition building and advocacy.
Our Approach
Upon arrival to our ‘One Stop Centers',’ IFSI provides intake, person-centered case management services and triages clients to department staff with the expertise to help new immigrants access legal aid, housing, healthcare, and other public benefits, as needed. We also assist with documenting and processing applications for TPS, CHNV sponsorship, and work permits, as well as accompanying clients in exploring alternative pathways to citizenship, based on current status.
IFSI focuses on the spectrum of immigrant needs from vital essentials to success enhancers using a holistic approach serving infants to the elderly. Our multifaceted programs and services ensure that once basic needs like food and shelter are met, our clients are poised to embrace opportunties at the heart of IFSI’s mission, achieved through our three guiding pillars of integration, education and advocacy. By attending to health and wellness and fostering aspirations through education, workforce development and advocacy programs, individuals and families are empowered toward upward social and economic mobility, pathways to achieving integration, equity and inclusion.
With basic needs being met, IFSI offers educational programs for children, youth and adults. Educating children yields enormous benefits for society since healthy, adapted young people help hold families together and, in time, become contributing members of the workforce. Our out-of-school time enrichment programs offer academic and the performing arts, addressing the unique challenges faced by immigrant children, helping them build relationships, acquire new skills and realize their full potential.
Adult programs target ESL, computer skills, and certification focused instruction. Once individuals have the skills necessary to begin a job search, our workforce development team helps them attain meaningful careers through resume building, interviewing traiing and job placement. Combined, these programs help to accelerate and prioritize their adaptation and integration within their new communities.
In addition, IFSI provides accurate and timely information about new developments in immigration laws and the wider legal landscape to aid our clients as well as educate the general public.
Our History
As Founder and Executive Director, Dr. Geralde Gabeau has devoted her life to helping Haitian families navigate the complex social, educational, economic, and health systems of the United States. As an immigrant, she understands firsthand the struggles of her Haitian brothers and sisters and the challenges inherent in their long journey to the US in the pursuit of a better life.
From the onset, Dr. Gabeau understood the importance of accepting jobs and roles to advance her learning and expertise, so as to best position herself for helping those who would follow.
Her own story inspired her idea of developing an afterschool program so she did just that at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Roslindale. This would be her first attempt at meeting the growing needs of immigrant communities. Little did she know at the time that this venture would lead to the inception of Immigrant Family Services Institute, Inc. in 2015, as a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in Massachusetts. Utilizing a holistic approach to integrated services for and with children, parents, extended families and other stakeholders, Dr. Gabeau has adopted an ‘It Takes a Village’ model which resonates so positively with immigrants.
Source: Erin Clark/Boston Globe
How we Work
IFSI adopts a village model by integrating children, parents, grandparents, and other stakeholders within our community. In the process we promote education, encourage civic engagement, and strengthen communities.
All programs and services are culturally appropriate, future-oriented, and make use of strategic partnerships for referrals and accelerated social integration.
The moment someone walks through our doors we assess their needs and sort out how they may be met within IFSI and through our specialized partners. That is what is meant by a ‘One Stop Center’.
IFSI helps with legal aid, housing, healthcare, workforce development, ESL and other adult career focused courses, children's academic and enrichment programs and more!
Our Three Pillars
IFSI’s educational programming is at the heart of its mission, and IFSI takes special pride in fostering a nurturing and safe environment for young people as well as adults. A place to learn, develop intellectual curiosity, build relationships and acquire practical skills.
Bringing it all together in one place, IFSI provides public assistance services and information connecting immigrants to the resources they most need. These services include Housing, Healthcare, and Legal Assistance. From there deeper social integration becomes possible through programs in Youth Education, Adult Education and Wellness, and Workforce Development.
IFSI’s efforts focus on three types of advocacy: CASE which matches individual needs with specific services and programs; CITIZEN which educates the broader public to better understand the immigrant context through news and publication; SYSTEM which brings immigrants themselves to the table to shape policy, impact change and develop long term solutions.
Our Navigational Support
IFSI informs and empowers new immigrants as they seek essential support. Many choose to register, on-line or in-person by walking through our doors, to access our extensive array of resources, services and programs.
Our goal is preparing this next generation of immigrants to become active, contributing and valued members of their new communities in Greater Boston and beyond.
To that end we guide recent arrivals through the challenges of settling and social integration. This often starts with legal aid to resolve immigration status and public assistance applications for health care, housing and accessing public schools. Once somewhat stable we help with job training, employment and increasing self-sufficiency. All this while supporting cultural identity and continued connection to home countries as desired.
Our Impact
Impact at IFSI is measured in many ways from the quantitative by numbers served, to the experiential in changes to the social emotional health and well being of our clients. The quality of IFSI’s support to immigrants is key to how we assess impact. This is especially important for the more vulnerable and those having left behind their devastated homeland in Haiti.
OVER 15,000 New Immigrants Served since 2021 Alone!
125 Housing Units Secured Providing Shelter for Over 300 Families/Over 1,000 Individuals
2,011 Families Received Refugee Cash Assistance
5,108 Families Applied for Department of Transitional Assistance
2,260 Families Applied for Mass Health
2x/Week Vaccination Clinics and 200 Families on Weekly Food Distribution During the Pandemic
5,433 Work Authorization Permits Submitted
2,500 Temporary Protected Status Applications Submitted
200 CHNV Parole Program Applications Filed
635 Asylum Applications Submitted
1,210 Other Legal Services Rendered
24 Lawyers Engaged
5 Coalition Sites Opened or Expanded
26 Original Drawings for IFSI Navigator Stories
Daily Informational campaigns on Haitian Radio
Bi-weekly Interviews & Media coverage involving IFSI
300 Students Enrolled in Afterschool/ Weekend Programs 2022-2023
500 Students Enrolled in Summer Programs 2022
50 Youth Leadership Students in 2022-2023
30,000 service hours donated to tutor children and adults in educational program and help new immigrants complete paperwork
908 Enrolled in ESOL/ESL Classes
179 Completed Computer/Financial Literacy Certifications
102 Members in the IFSI Women’s Group
Our Annual Report
Capturing the evolving IFSI Immigrant experience and recognizing the invaluable support of our generous funders and partners.